WSPS Health and Safety Articles for September





 60,000 visits into the pandemic: what workplace inspectors are finding 

While focusing on compliance with COVID requirements, these trained professionals also keep a constant eye out for other hazards and infractions. See what they’ve encountered.


The latest on sanitizing workplaces: 7 best practices


The latest on sanitizing workplaces: 7 best practices 

For months we’ve been sanitizing our workplaces to reduce transmission of COVID-19. Now that we know more about the virus, here’s how to update our sanitation practices


With CSA Group’' new standard and guideline, any workplace can manage impairment


With CSA Group’s new standard and guideline, any workplace can manage impairment – An employer’s ability to provide safe work depends in part on employees being fit for duty. Build impairment into your H&S program with this new standard and guideline.


Gain insight from your employees with a post-pandemic 'listening tour'


Gain insight from your employees with a post-pandemic ‘listening tour’

With pandemic restrictions easing, a listening tour will help you take the pulse of your workforce and tap into their insights.


10 best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings


10 best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings

 Banish “virtual fatigue” and “Zoom gloom” with these best practices.


Why workplace screening is more essential than ever


Why workplace screening is more essential than ever

Increasing vaccination uptake and declining infection rates are bringing us closer to a life free of COVID-19 restrictions. Workplace screening can help get us there.


Reduce the risk of renewed COVID violence with these 5 steps


Reduce the risk of renewed COVID violence with these 5 steps

As continued pandemic frustration risks boil up, violence could take the form of threats, verbal assaults, and physical assaults. Take action now to protect your employees.