New Book Released: Tapping Into Hidden Human Capital: How Leading Global Companies Improve their Bottom Line by Employing Persons with Disabilities



New Book Released: Tapping Into Hidden Human Capital: How Leading Global Companies Improve their Bottom Line by Employing Persons with Disabilities

G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies announced the publication of a new book authored by Debra Ruh, G3ict’s EmployAbility Program Chair.

book cover page Hidden Human Potential cover In this book, Tapping into Hidden Human Capital: How Leading Global Companies Improve their Bottom Line by Employing Persons with Disabilities,” Debra Ruh presents a new, game-changing perspective about the employment of persons with disabilities. By documenting existing practices of some of the largest companies in the world, the author shows that employees with disabilities are proactively recruited for their positive contributions to the competitiveness and financial performance of major businesses.

While Debra Ruh documents case studies that are eye-opening, her detailed analysis of the success factors in recruiting, hiring, and managing persons with disabilities are a must-read for any Human Resources professional and top executive of large organizations operating in highly competitive employment markets, such as those in the field of technology.

Debra Ruh’s book guides global corporations, as well as beginning entrepreneurs on how to integrate persons with disabilities in every aspect of the workforce. It takes the reader through each step, from recruiting and interviewing to employing and retaining persons with disabilities in the organization as vital employees. The book offers insights and strategies on how to accommodate employees with disabilities, how to fully leverage their skills and talents, and transform challenges into successes. Additionally, Debra Ruh includes personal accounts from global leaders about how persons with disabilities have enriched their businesses, increased productivity, and lowered turnover rates.

“This is an outstanding compendium of practical solutions for all employers. From large organizations with a global footprint to entrepreneurs with a few employees, attracting and retaining the right talent is the most critical success factor for their business. This book will definitely be looked upon as a milestone in how companies think about recruiting persons with disabilities,” commented Axel Leblois, G3ict President and Executive Director. “We are very pleased to publish Debra Ruh’s latest work and to make it available through all major book distribution channels worldwide.”


Additional article: Accessible Employment Practices