Behind the Business with Ryan Stacey of Black Light ISS



Tell us about your business.

We are a private investigation firm that also provides public and private security guard services. We combine intellect with a physical presence in order to prevent potentially hazardous and devastating events from starting in the first place. 

What do you find most valuable about Chamber membership?

Personally, I find the creative aspect to be the most appealing. Like this blog for example.  It is not an advertising cash funnel and even with limitations due to Covid 19 pandemic, I find the effort to be extremely high and beneficial.

Are you involved in any community/non-profit activities?  

Define involved. We are a community-centered business actively involved with members of the public. We have just recently donated food and clothing to The Guest House Shelter, and at the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, we raised over $700.00 from our “stay home stay safe” bottle drive. We were also working on a community assistance program for businesses downtown in Midland, however that has been halted due to Covid 19 pandemic.

What is the best thing about operating a business in the Southern Georgian Bay?

SGB is home.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Start Ugly and don’t quit.

Describe your company’s most recent success or an important upcoming event?

Our jumpstart Sentinel program trains, certifies and employs individuals who were previously on some form of Ontario Works, Employment Insurance, or ODSP.  We have given opportunities to offer individuals who do not have the funding and are actively trying to make a difference in our community.  To date, we have assisted 16 individuals through this program, enhancing their resumes and allowing them to be more appealing to the workforce within our community. Two of which remain employed today, are no longer in need of assistance and living independently. 

How did you get started in this business?

Locally raised in Midland Ontario, I always had an interest in community policing and volunteer work. I was a cook for many years in Midland, before I went to college for Police Foundations, and worked as a cook and private investigator on the side. I considered MPS, RCMP and OPP, instead I joined the army as an infantry soldier until I was experienced enough to apply for Military Police.  2 years later, I changed my mind and decided to work for myself in the private sector with no plans of hiring employees. Almost 6 years later, we have grown rapidly based on the need within the community. 

Can you share something about your organization that most people don’t know?

We donate our investigation resources to a not-for-profit organization that investigates events surrounding UFO, and Paranormal Activity while connecting these individuals with support resources that assist them in understanding the reasons for the stress and anxiety that surround the phenomena. We run an Experiencers Anonymous group for anyone who wants to speak on the matter without being a victim of bullying, hate, or judgment, and we also collect reports to provide an annual data report to assist in public disclosure. We will be hosting a public UFO and Paranormal Research Convention in Collingwood on October 1,2,3 2021, pending Covid 19 pandemic.



Black Light Investigative and Surveillance Services

(705) 209-1513

119 Main Street
Penetanguishene, Ontario
L9M 1S9